Pure Lavender Essential Oil


Personality: Relaxing, resourceful, and romantic
Aroma: Sweet, floral and herbaceous
Cool Fact:Lavender has been an important ingredient in cleansing and calming rituals for centuries! The Romans even named the plant after its use in their bathing routines (“lava” means “to wash” in Latin). In Elizabethan times, when bathing was uncommon, lavender was used to perfume clothes and bed linens.

Usage Ideas
➊   Healthy Skin and Hair Blend

Mix 3 drops of Lavender with a quarter-sized amount of lotion and shampoo or conditioner to promote healthy-looking skin and hair.

➋   Travel Roll-On Blend

In a 10mL roll-on bottle, add:

  • 15 drops of Pure Lavender
  • 15 drops of Pure Peppermint
  • 15 drops of Pure Ginger

Fill the rest of the bottle with your favorite carrier oil, such as Pure Sweet Almond Oil.


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